Together, building peace from within.
Our services
Peace capacity building

The peace capacity building covers all the actions by which individuals, organizations and the community release, create, strengthen, adapt and protect their capacities to make the peace over the years in a long-lasting way.
Peace capacity building
We support our clients on three dimensions, miso, meso, macro, of the strengthening of capacities: human capacies, organizational capacities and of institutional capacities globally.
We help to make the diagnosis of the existing capacities (types, localizations and quality) and to develop actions in order to address the gap and develop strategies to built a culture of peace :
Peace education
Peace Support intervenes in the peace education for the benefit of individuals, organizations or the community in general. These interventions include the education in human rights and the education in citizenship. Inteventions go beyond the formal teaching to the long-term change process for a peaceful, responsible society which values the human rights.
Conflicts resolution
Through participative workshops, Peace Support accompanies the leadership strengthening for committed iindividuals active in the peace building. On request, Peace Support accompanies the acquisition of skills in alternative conflicts resolution. It provides trainings on peacebuilding tools of conflicts analysis, negotiations, mediation, groups moderations. Peace Support can also train and accompany leaders to transform tense interpersonal relations, aggressive functionings and situations of conflicts within their organizations / communities
Strenghtening women and youth
Peace Support supports its clients in their work with women and young people, in particular with the aim of their participation in the decisions makings through civic training and gender mainstreaming. It will also accompany the interventions of access to employment and income generating activities.
Organisations strengthening
Peace Support accompany organizations, local or national, state or civil society, private or public, wishing to strengthen their collaborative culture in the domains of negotiations, communication and consensus building. It also do a coaching and some custom-made supervision. Public or private, governmental or non-governmental, their actions can contribute to the social cohesion, but risk also sometimes, without they wish it, to aggravate conflicts.
Community capacity stregthening
Peace Support facilitate dialogues at the community level and train on a crucial questions as conflicts resolution, local Development plans or local safety plans. It also strengthens administrative competencies, communication and other essential skills which help to reach the community objectives.
Renforcement des capacités du systeme au niveau national et régional
Peace Support accompanies the State bodies and the civil society organisations working in the peace building in their efforts for an active participation of communaute in the formulation, the implementation and the evaluation of the public politicies. It helps organizations and groups of interestin in the dialogue with the public, without exclusion, nor discrimination and for the benefit of all the members of the society, particularly marginalise and vulnerable groups. Peace Support helps in search of convergence and of complementarity of the peace actions at the national and regional levels.