Together, building peace from within.
Our services
Why Peace Support ?
Innovative initiative in the field of the peace and human security, Peace Support is a Consulting firm of Swiss law based in Geneva. First established in 2012 under the initial name of BIPS by Oumar Baldet, the cabinet is specialized in the domains of the peace and the human security.
Peace Support is dedicated to serve Non-governmental organization, Foundations, Think Thanks and Research institutes, working in the field of the peace building in countries in conflict or escaping from a violent conflicts. It also serves the international Organizations such United Nations and its specialized institutions, to the regional and sub-regional international organizations, such as the European Union, the African Union or the Economic Community of the States of western Africa. Last, but not least, Peace Support is at the service of companies working in the sector of the exploitation of natural resources (mining, energy, water, farming, etc.) and to hosting communities whose share the same working and living spaces
Peace Support offers to its clients, experienced consultants molded by the peacebuilding and the development practice, mediators, specialists of the human rights and the management, capable of transforming your visions in reality, your problems in opportunities of improvement, change and performance.
Peace Support Consultants are experts who intervene in organizational contexts and culture they master. They often have the experience of several countries, several types of organizations (private, public, non-governmental, international) and a vast network of formal and informal contacts, which allows them to act fast and to activate operations at a lower cost everywhere worldwide.
Peace Support is dedicates to supply a "Swiss quality" services to its clients, to strengthen their capacities when leaving them keep the handlebars of their companies, with efficient results, economically, humanely and ethically.
Values Ethic
We believe fundamentally in the virtues of peace and cooperation between people, organizations, communities and countries and this is reflected in what we do in any circumstances.
Personally, professionally and in our social commitment, we prefer:
- the cooperation and the complementarity to the competition,
- the solidarity to the solitary wealthiness,
- the good governance to the autocratic power,
- the transparency to the opacity and the corruption,
- the humanity to the rationality.
In the fulfilment of its mandates, Peace Support maintains permanently a highest ethic and makes the commitment particularly to :
- show in any circumstances, a whole loyalty towards the clients who honored him with their confidence and to make every effort to protect their legitimate interests by observing absolute confidentiality on the information with which it would have acquainted,
- accept only works for which it is competent and can deliver at best interests of his clients. It guarantees the high-level professionalism of the Consultants and the partners involved in the mission. Every mission will be handle with the care and the honesty the customer is entitled to expect from an expert ; the advices will be objective and impartial,
- be paid exclusively by his client and in a spirit of rigorous independence towards third parties,
- respect the nature and the extent of its responsibilities as defined in the general conditions of the intervention and by the particular contracts,
- solve the conflicts by the negotiation and the mediation and if no other means , within the framework of the legislation in force in Switzerland.